
First we used jaggery, sugar, khand etc. as sweetener. But now, from the cities to the villages, they have started using refined sugar. 20-22 chemical substances used in sugar are very harmful for health If you look at the list of chemicals used in sugar industry, you will find dozens of chemicals.

These chemicals are added to the sugarcane juice to make it boil quickly, to make crystals, to whiten, to dry it quickly, to make it moisture resistant. All these chemicals used in sugar industry are the cause of fatal diseases like cancer. 

There is another reason why sugar is toxic.
When we separate all the elements of sugarcane and extract only sweetener, then the natural balance of nature ceases. Then that sugar becomes toxic even without chemicals. Many researches have been done on the disadvantage of using refined sugar, but it is known that it is hidden in the interest of the commercial industry.


There is an interesting incident after the second world war. After the end of World War, some people went from America to Latin America to help latin americans. While sharing the clothes, food, etc., it came to their attention that the teeth of the people of latin America are very healthy, whereas it was not so in America. Americans of investigative instinct began to wonder what the reason was. Refined sugar was not available in Latin America. Long-term research showed that his calcium was very rich in latin americans due to not eating refined sugar.

Another useful information was found. It is known that if the mother is not fed sugar for 9 months during the maternity period and after birth, do not give sugar to that child for five years, then there will be no back pain, knee pain, etc. throughout the life of that child. All his teeth will be safe even at 100 years of age, and there will be no cavity in them.

Not eating only sugar has such a tremendous effect in enriching the calcium of the body. What actually happens is that when we eat this refined sugar, it destroys the calcium present in our blood. In order to fill the shortage of that deficit , calcium from the bones in our body is absorbed and sent to the blood. Such is the arrangement of the body. In this way, when we eat refined sugar again and again, our calcium in bones and blood will decrease. As a result, there is a severe deficiency of calcium in the body.

After the lack of calcium, the flexibility of our muscles decreases. There are many diseases due to weak muscles. Pregnancy, hemorrhoids, tooth loss, tooth loss, moss rash, yellow teeth, crooked teeth, deformed teeth, liver failure and loss of appetite, anemia, mental weakness, weakening of fingers, height, Getting a fracture. Countless diseases of this type arise due to lack of calcium.

Different types of elements in plant like alkaloids and salts , are maintained in a special equilibrium by nature. Modern scientists use phytochemical to remove these element from it. As a result, that one element has toxic effects on the body. Its fatal side effects are on our body.

Until today, single element segregation was not done by any medical system in the world. This is the first time that allopathy or modern science has done this foolishness, which is suffering the whole world. Single element separation is a major reason for allopathic drugs to have toxic effects. The second reason is that 98% of medicines are made from petroleum products. Our body does not accept those medicines and they start to have side effects, even if they are vitamins. The straightforward theory is that single element separation produces toxicity. Single Salt Segregation Leads to Toxification.

Jaggery, khandsari saugar, Raab, chemical-free sugar candy, etc. contain most of the components of sugarcane. Due to which the effect of that sweet is healthy on our body and not toxic. It contains many natural substances like iron, phosphorus, calcium etc. which are healthy for our body. We have done an experiment. By taking 10 gm of old chemical free jaggrey prepared through native method soaked in water for overnight and giving it to anemic patients every morning, their hemoglobin / red blood particles increases in a few days and redness starts to follow on their faces. Thus, this white refined sugar is harmful to our health and the rest of the products of khandasari are beneficial for us if they are used in balanced quantities and no chemicals are used to make them.