Agnihotra Homa (Hawan) kit


Mention of Agnihotra is found in Vedas, the ancient most knowledge source, known to mankind. The Vedic sciences like Yoga, Ayurveda, Agnihotra, etc practiced by Rishis or Seers are techniques which create harmony between our Mind, Body and Spirit.

H. H. Paramsadguru Shree Gajanan Maharaj referred to as Shree by His followers spread all over the world, revived this technique in the modern era, from Shivpuri, India and spread this message all over the world. Agnihotra, according to Vedas, is the ancient most Upasana or a process of creating oneness between our consciousness and Universal consciousness. Practicing Agnihotra has a positive influence on body, mind, soul, & environment; and sets us on the path to attain inner balance & spiritual bliss.

Agnihotra is a purifying, healing phenomenon. Fire is known to benefit life on earth because of its ability to episodically burn solids and liquids into life enhancing gases. The good gases released while performing Agnihotra are charged with high energy and benefit human lives and other life forms in the environment.

Agnihotra is an ancient science given  in Sanskrit language at the time of creation.Sanskrit is a language of vibration.The central part of the Agnihotra consists of making two offerings of brown rice (unpolished) into the fire exactly at,slightly before,or even after the time of sunset and sunrise,along with Vedic mantras that relate the fire and the sun to each other.
Agnihotra is a Vedic yajna (ritual or sacrifice) performed in Hindu communities.

It is mentioned in the Atharvaveda and described in detail in the Yajurveda Samhita and the Shatapatha Brahmana.Agnihotra reduces stress,leads to  greater clarity of thought,improves  overall health,gives one increased energy,and makes the heart and mind more full of love.

Agnihotra Mantras :

Morning Agnihotra Mantra :
Sooryaya swáahá,
Sooryáya idam na mama
Prajápataye swáahá,
Prajápataye idam na mama

Evening Agnihotra Mantra :
Agnaye swaáhá,
Agnaye idam na mama
Prajápataye swaáhá,
Prajápataye idam na mama


How to Perform Agnihotra 
Preparing the Fire (Start at least 5 minutes before the Agnihotra time)

  • Place a flat piece of dried cow dung at the bottom of the copper pyramid.
  • Arrange pieces of dried cow dung, which have been coated with ghee in the pyramid in such a manner as that allow air to pass.
  • Apply a little ghee on the small piece of cow dung and light it. Insert this lighted piece of cow dung in the pyramid. Soon all the dung in the pyramid will catch fire.
  • You may use a hand fan to help the flame. However, do not blow through the mouth to avoid bacteria from the mouth getting into the fire.
  • Do not use any mineral oil or similar material to start the fire.
  • At the exact time of sunrise and sunset when the offerings are made the fire should be fully ablaze in the pyramid.

Agnihotra Process

  • Take a few grains of rice in a dish or your left palm and apply a few drops of ghee.
  • Exactly at sunrise utter the first Mantra and after the word SWAHA add a few grains of rice from your right hand (as little as you can hold in the pinch of your fingers will be sufficient) in the fire.
  • Utter the second Mantra and after the word SWAHA add a few grains of rice from the right hand in the fire.
  • At sunset do the same by using evening Mantras.
  • Agnihotra Mantras are to be recited only once and only two offerings given at each Agnihotra performance.
  • After each Agnihotra try to spare as many minutes as you can for meditation. You can sit quietly at least till the fire extinguishes itself. Agnihotra creates a medicinal and healing atmosphere.
  • If possible the Agnihotra pyramid and the energy resulting from the Agnihotra process is best left undisturbed until the next Agnihotra time.
  • Just before the next Agnihotra you can empty the ash using your right hand and store it in a bag, box, glass jar or clay pot. The ash from the Agnihotra fire is extremely medicinal.

Effects of Agnihotra Homam:

  • Purifies the air and surroundings
  • The magnetic field created by Agnihotra homam neutralizes the negative energy and intensifies the ‘prana’ and positive energy
  • Benefits circulatory system and purifies blood
  • Renews brain cells
  • Rejuvenates skin
  • Offers nutrition to the plants
  • Calms the mind and releases stress

Contents: Copper Pot,Copper Spoon,Copper Stand, Copper Thong.


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