Devil in Milk

Book on milk by doctor Keith woodford called Devil in the Milk. After about 16 years of research, it has been confirmed that in the milk of cows, Holstein friesian, Jersey etc., .

There is a protein called beta casein A1, due to which infant sudden death, autism, ischemia heart disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes type1 etc. and other incurable Diseases arise. Later discoveries have proved that this milk also causes cancer

After reaching the stomach, the amino acid chain of this milk is broken during digestion. Histadine is replaced by proline in the chain’s 67th episode. This link breaks down to create a new protein, beta casomorphin 7, which is opiate, toxic. but protein in Indian cow’s milk is beta casein a2. Its 67th episode does not break at the time of digestion.The irony is that most of India’s cows with beta casein A2 have reached abroad and foreign venomous species have been sent to India. 

We are raising them and increasing them with great fervor. The milk which is poisonous in foreign countries, ie, containing a1 proteins, is made into powder and sent to India. All the big milk industries in India are feeding more than 70% of that milk to the people of India. Due to this, all the above mentioned diseases are spreading rapidly in India. The second aspect of the problem is that if the milk is sold by putting it in a packet or bottles, to increase shelf life by using toxic preservatives to it, which causes a lot of harm instead of getting benefits from milk. Therefore, it is best to avoid milk and milk products as often as possible.

It has also been learned that millions of liters of milk are made daily in which fake and toxic ingredients like urea and refined oil are used. It is important to avoid milk and its products made in this way. We should either take desi cow’s milk. or we can prepare our workable milk at home by soaking and grinding one of the almonds, sesame seeds, hornets, peanuts, make . Grind raw coconut can also be used. It is also to be noted here that a lot of research has been done on the side effects of milk powder, hence its use is also not appropriate.